
overuse injuries sport injury gym fail

How Many Reps To Gain Muscle

This is a good question when you are starting a new exercise or an exercise that you haven’t done for a long time. First, what are the reps? “Rep” means “repetition”. It is a movement of an exercise from start to finish. A set is different because a set is the total number of repetitions […]

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One Leg Toe Raises

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Standing on one leg with your forefeet on a step. One hand holds a dumbbell and the other is placed on a support to have a better balance : Do an extension of the foot keeping your knee joint in extension of

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Standing Calf Raise Machine

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Stand with your back straight and your shoulders under the pads. The front of your feet on the step with your ankles in passive flexion : Do an extension of your feet with of your knees joints in extension. This exercise works

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Horrible Soulevé De Terre Roumain

Je t’avais dit que j’avais augmenté les poids dans mon programme d’entraînement et les exercices où je n’arrivais pas à faire toutes les répétitions de façon propre, je gardais le même poids mais je fais 5 séries de 6 répétitions pour mieux travailler la technique. Mais il y a une exception pour le squat et

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Higher Level

June 1, I increased the level of my training program. I increased 4 kg (8.8 lbs) all exercises (except those which I couldn’t do 4 sets of 10 reps clean). Well do all of my sets with 6 repetitions. Exercises I couldn’t do 4 sets of 10 repetitions clean, I kept the same weight and

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