Fear Of Success (Part 2)

fear success

I watched an Oliver Roland’s video  and I learned good stuff

Fear of rejection is embedded in fear of success

rejection rejected stamp

The fear of rejection is even more insidious. Because to succeed, you have to do something that is not accepted by everyone. Typically what scares a lot of bloggers who start to succeed is to move from a model where everything is free to a model where a part is free and the advanced level is paying.

This is probably the most scary step for bloggers and people who create free content for a long time to build their audience. Asking money to the audience is not a bad thing.

Unconscious supporters of slavery


Sincerely ask yourself this question : « How would you call someone who demands that you work for him for free ? ». He is a supporter of slavery. All the people in your audience who will complain the first time you offer a paid service/product , they are supporters of slavery.

They aren’t conscious supporters of slavery because they didn’t take the time to think about the work you do . They didn’t realize that they’re unconscious supporters of slavery. They require you to work for them for free until the end of your days.

The good news is that when you start offering paid services/products, these people will disappear from your audience and that’s a good thing. It’s a natural selection and it will remain only in your audience people who recognize that all work deserves payment. It’s good to create free content but it’s good to live well too.

For example, many bloggers are afraid to put a popup for people to write their emails to receive newsletters. In fact, 1 week after installing the popup, you will realize that people don’t care.



What needs to be done to overcame this fear ? The truth is that there is no miraculous solution. It’s like everything, you have to do it despite the fear. There is no way to get rid of fear before doing the thing that scares you. You need to do this thing while being afraid. You will realize that you are still alive and that the fear was overvalued. And all of a sudden, your fear disappears.

If by chance, you wait for the authorization of someone to be successful, know that I, Stephane, I give you my permission to be successful. Now, you allowed to be successful and I wish you have fun with it.

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