Be A Curious Entrepreneur To Boost Sales

be curious

I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and I learned good stuff.

I read an article about Otzi, a man who died about 3255 or 3300 BCE. It’s been over 5000 years. Otzi is the name given to a frozen and dehydrated human being discovered on 19 September 1991 at an altitude of 3210 meters nears Hauslabjoch on the border between Austria and Italy. Otzi discovered with his axe in wooden handle and a copper blade. But why a copper blade because copper is soft ?

Apart from gold, the first metal used by men to make tools was cooper. It’s just because at the time, they didn’t know that by adding tin, it made a stronger alloy, bronze.

Now, it seems obvious to people with knowledge of metallurgy but for a long time nobody knew this alloy.

What I mean is that we’re all ignorant of something. This may be something that a small minority of the population knows or something everyone knows. I’m talking about it in a broad sense, it goes to confidential discoveries to widespread discoveries. We’re ignorant of many of these discoveries, no matter how popular these discoveries are.

Here is an example. Since 1977, it has been scientifically proven that when you make a request to a person (no matter the demand), if you touch the forearm or the shoulder of this person, you can even double your chance that the person tells you « yes ». There are still plenty of people who don’t know this and there are also people who know that but don’t use it. When you become aware of this, you realize that staying alone in you corner doesn’t help you to know the discoveries that there are in the world. And over time, you’ll become the last person to know what everyone starts to learn.

Stay in touch with innovations/discoveries

innovation discovery

What is important to understand for an entrepreneur is that it’s a duty, a philosophy and a way of life to always be in touch with innovations in the scientific field and also in other fields.

Today, there are many techniques or methods that have been used and proven in thousands of sectors to sell effectively on internet. What I find amazing is that there are still a lot of entrepreneurs who don’t know that selling their products on internet is possible. It’s almost a malpractice of theirs because they cut themselves off from an enormous potential for growth.

We all know people who have recently learned things that everyone knew. We have already discovered something and realize that everyone already knew that (or almost).

What is necessary for you to be successful in the long term and build your legacy is that you need to be constantly on a process of meeting people in your field and outside of your field to learn all the time from new things. Which means that you have to read books, follow trainings, follow Youtube educational channel. You also have to go to place to meet people who inspire you and people who motivate you.

Think about it : « If you’re always in a room where you’re the smartest person, you’re in the wrong room ». It may work for a while, but soon you will not evolve and during this time, the world is moving very fast. Be part of the people who take a few steps forward to learn and execute new things and let others stand-still.

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