Do The Inevitable


As Agent Smith says in the movie « Matrix » : « Do you hear that Mr. Anderson ? That is the sound of inevitability ».

When a character from a movie ou comic says it, it’s impressive but it’s more than that.

Inevitability can manage our lives and become a self-fulfilling prophecy :

  • Person a

    Well, I will become fat and have blood pressure problems like my father. I will have a family and I will become like him. Not suprising that I fail everything.

  • Person b

    Well, I will break this circle. My children will be the first of the family to have healthy a healthy father. Children with parents who have healthy habits. This is what will happen.

  • Person A

    I will not succeed to lose weight like I did a lot of time. I can’t win against my genetics. Why continue ?

  • Person B

    I will be healthy. It’s a long journey and I will have difficult obstacles but it’s to me to take my success. I know that it will be long and I go forward step by step. I will go where I want to go.

If you look like Person a and A, it’s the moment to take the first steps to become like Person b and B.


agent smith matrix inevitability

I remember in what state I was when I read for the first time « 4 hours workweek of Tim Ferriss.

I ask to myself for several weeks if it was possible to live this. I was doing a lot of research on internet to find evidence. After all this evidence, I said to myself : « If people can do it, I can do it ». I don’t know how but I will test the indications of the book.

After creating several blogs and websites, I created my blog THEstephaneANDRE.

After few months, I watched a Gary Vaynerchuk’s video  that proposed rather than to create content, document ma days about my training and my blog. Like a reality show. This concept make me change my mindset to reach my goals. I have more success and I start to have the mindset « positive inevitability ».

Relation with yourself

relation love yourseff

Paolo Coelho said in this book « The Alchemist » : « When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it ».

You will tell me that you know this kind of story and I need a vision board, the book « The Secret » and wait that others people help me.

Ok,ok, remove the vision board and the book and ask yourself this question :

Are you the kind of person who look bad things go bad or wait that bad things go bad to say : « I told you ! ». Or you’re the kind of person who assume that things are going well and take step to make them better ?

Whatever you believe, it’s true. We know that pessimitic people always seem to have bad luck and optimistic people always seem to have good luck.

You work for the inevitability you want

We know what we want and we know we need to work hard to have it, so we do it. While other wait for luck to come to them, we create our own chance.

Winston Churchill say : « Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm ».

Each fail is an element that can slow us down to this inevitable success. Like scientists have wrong hypotheses, each fail is a chance to get closer to the goal. No reason to give up.

We expect to win. We hope to succeed. Break obstacles to prove that this possibility is correct. We have a responiblity to our inevitability.

Prove it to yourself

prove it

I just understood that « expect to win » or « feel more positive about yourself » is the half of the equation.

Wait that good luck or bad luck come to me is the same result : nothing !

As say Andy in the movie « The Shawshank Redemption » : « Hope is nothing without action ».

In the book « Unbroken », Louis Zamperini endured incredible obstacles and he never gave up hope. He always did what he could to prove that he was fighting nonstop for a good reason.

The best way to prove to yourself that your success is inevitable, it’s to do small victories :

  • You want a better health ?

    Proves to yourself that you can change by walking for 5 minutes during 30 days nonstop.

  • You want have a company ?

    Earn 1$ or help a person. Then hustle and scale.

  • You want run a marathon ?

    Run for 1 minutes. Then, find a way to run more than the day before.

Identify the version of yourself at the level 50 and go forward step by step in this direction.

Make a change and it doesn’t matter if it’s small. By adding all these changes and each small victories, this future become more and more concrete.

Expect the inevitable

It doesn’t matter if you try to lose weight, run a marathon or gain muscle, stop to wait things go bad and start to expect things go good.

You know what you need to do and everydays you do a little step to be closer to your goal.

You deserve it, you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be healthy.

Each day is a chance to be closer to your success or a chance to simply delay your success.

Did you have to prove a win to yourself before you started to believe ?


P.S. Do you want a free training program ? Click here 

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