How To Have Too Many Clients

too many clients

What’s up ? This is THE stephane ANDRE !!! I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and I learned some good stuff.

The trick is that you have to have more people who want to buy your product than products available. This trick is also valid for service.

This trick is that you have to develop your audience to make sure there are so many people who know you that it’s not possible for everyone to buy your products/services. Here is an example.

Imagine that you have a bakery. As there are several bakeries in the neighborhood, your turnover is limited because of the local radius. People don’t go kilometers (miles) to go to bakery, usually they go tho the bakery closest to home.

Social media for your company

social media

There is something to boost your audience/clients through the internet. It’s to develop your bakery’s presence on internet with a blog, a podcast or a YouTube channel. With a YouTube channel, you can show what you do every day with vlogs. You make a video when you get up at 4 in the morning to make breads and cakes, which means that you film the process (knead the dough, the oven, etc.). All these videos, you can publish them on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other video support.

To start, you will publish these videos to your local clientele, then to a national level and then to an international level. This is an important first step but it can be quickly copied. To differentiate yourself from other bakeries, it’s necessary that you have an extremely good cake with a secret recipe. You can make videos of this cake with a secret recipe but you don’t show the whole process, all the ingredients. It’s a cake with a secret recipe like Cola-Cola.

Tell a story about this secret recipe to make it mysterious. It must be a true story like : « It’s a recipe from my mother’s grandmother » or « It’s a recipe I accidentally created ». With this story, this storytelling, people of the neighborhood will know you better and you’ll become a local celebrity. And what’s interesting is that there will be people from other cities coming to your bakery because you’re the baker who has this great YouTube channel.

With a website, you can sell your breads ans cakes online in other cities. Because of your presence on internet, local newspapers will do an article about you because there is buzz. And you can display these articles in your bakery in a very visible place so that all clients can see them. All this will boost word of mouth.

2 options


After a while, you will not be able to satisfy the request and it’s at this moment where you have to ask yourself these 2 question :

  • Open another bakery. You will work more, earn more money and recognition.

  • Increase prices. You limit your time for the quality of life or the quality of your products because you’re an artisan.

In London, there is this Japanese restaurant, The Araki , which has 3 stars in the Michelin guide. There is a waiting list of several months to eat there. The Araki has one menu only of £300 and only 10 seats. It’s really interesting to read their « Booking Policy » .

I know that this can’t be applied in all professional fields but it gives you the possibility to have more clients.

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P.S. If you’re in Miami and you like Caribbean food, go to my cousin bistro to eat Haitian food, click here.

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