
Decline Bench Press

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. By lying on a bench with you head down and fix your feet so as not to slip. The bench is declined between 20° and 40° Take the barbell with a pronated grip and a hand gap equal to or wider […]

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Close-Grip Bench Press

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and I learned good stuff. Lying on a horizontal bench with your butt glued to the bench and your feet on the ground : Takes the barbell with a pronated grip. The distance between your hands varies from 10 to 40 cm (3.9 to 15.7 inches) of

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Bench Press

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and there is good stuff. Lying on a horizonzal bench with your butt glued to the bench and your feet on the ground : Takes the barbell with a pronated grip. The distance of your hands is wider than the width of your shoulder. Inhale and lower

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Incline Press

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and there is good stuff. Sitting on a bench inclined between 45° and 60° and takes the barbell with a pronated grip. The grip is wider than your shoulders : Inhale and lower the barbell until it reaches your jugular notch (upper chest at the base of

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Upright Rows

I read a Frederic Delavier’s book « Strength Training Anatomy » and there is good stuff. Standing with legs slightly apart. Your back straight with your abs contracted. Place a barball on your thinghs with a pronated grip and your hands are a little more apart than the width of your shoulders : Inhale and pull the barbell

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