Know What We Want In Life

what you want

I watched an Olivier Roland’s video  and there is good stuff.

A lot of young and less young (30-50 years old) still don’t know what they want in life. It’s not something essential to succeed in life and be happy. But read this Seneca’s quote: « If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable ». Life can be more interesting when we know what we want to accomplish. When you take your car, before to go in your car, you know your destination. Do you already used your car without knowing the destination ?

I think it’s important that people know what they want accompish in life, what they want leave as inheritance or legacy. To do this, we need to find our passion, a passion that drive you to be better than yesterday.

I know people used different exercices to find their passion but they found nothing, it’s a failure and they’re frustrated. In my opinion, these people have just an exploration problem.



Exlpore several activities is a great way to find a passion. It’s simple, how do you know you like an activity, if you have never tried this. May be you are an archery olympic champion but how do you know if you have never tried archery ?

I encourage you to do new activites, meet people, discuss with them and pratices to decrease the number of activites you don’t know. The truth is that your passion will not come to seek you.

Exlpore new activies, it’s good but don’t become addicted to exporation’s phase.

In a passion, there is 3 steps :

  • Exploration phase

    It’a like when we fall in love, everything is awesome, everything is beautiful.

  • Dry period phase

    For most people, it’s in this phase that they abandon. The enthusiasm of the beginning diminishes enormously. We spend a lot of energy for little result compared to a person who has done the same thing for 3-5 years.

    And it’s also in this phase where we must be careful to not be addicted to the exploration phase. For people who don’t like the dry period phase, they will find several excuses to change activity instead of holding on until to have good results.

  • Consecration phase

    It’s at this moment that we harvest the seeds that we sowed and generally success always exceeds us.



Once we found a passion, have a project around this passion allow us to become a better version or ourselves. This project will allow us to get out of our comfort zone, to give the better or ourselves because we really want to succeed. The ideal is to combine a passion, skill and economic potential if you want to become an entrepreneur.

To test your project, I advise you to use « Lean startup » by experimenting in the field using little time, energy and money.

What is your last activity that you did and that you liked ? Do you plan a project with ?


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