Drinking Water But How Much

drink water

I read a Nerd Fitness article  and I wanted to share this with you.

As you know we have to drink water to stay hydrated but how much ?

8 glasses of water per day

8 glasses of water

Water is good for you. A big part of your body is composed of water and you lose your fluids with your bodily functions (sweat, urine, etc.). Drinking water helps you to restore your fluid reserves.

Drink 8 glasses of water a day isn’t a rule. The truth is that there is no real evidence that this is the right amount.

We are all unique and we need different amounts of water ! A person who exercises regularly will need more water than a person doing less exercise regularly. There is not a single amount that works for all of the world.

Where did this figure of « 8 glasses of water a day ». Nobody knows. According to Snopes

Back in 1945 the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council stated that adults should take in about 2.5 liters of water per day (which is roughly the equivalent of eight glasses of water), but it also noted most of that intake level was already satisfied through the consumption of food without the need for the additional drinking of water.

It’s true that you consume a significant amount of water in your food. A large percentage of our body is made of water, a large percentage of the planet is made of water and it’s the same thing for food. (Fruits, vegetables, meat).

There is also something else to drink such as tea, coffee, milk, juice and alcohol.

How much water

how much water

Honestly ? Drink when you’re thirsty, it’s simple. Thirst is an excellent indicator of when you should drink more water. You think cats, dogs, elephants are concerned about whether they are hydrated. No ! They drink water when their body thirst.

If you are one of those who need more information, you can look at your urine’s color. With this chart  according to of your urine’s color, you will know your hydration’s level.

Now, what are the dehydration’s signs according to the National Institute of Health (USA) :

  • A feeling of thirst

  • Dry or sticky mouth

  • Low production of urine or the urine is dark yellow

  • Sunken eyes

  • Lethargy

Yes, severe dehydration can create big problems, even coma.

Now you’ll tell me : « If I feel thirsty, it’s too late, I’m already dehydrated ! ». You’re right, this is why you must drink water.



There is the myth that drinking coffee dehydrates. It’s true that drinking caffeinated beverages expel more water than you consume. Caffeine is a mild diuretic but the body is very smart and because all drinks are composed almost entirely of water, it compensates the effects.

This is explained in this study 

Ingestion of caffeine in large doses (at least 250-300 mg, equivalent to the amount found in 2-3 cups of coffee or 5-8 cups of tea) results in a short-term stimulation of urine output in individuals who have been deprived of caffeine for a period of days or weeks. A profound tolerance to the diuretic and other effects of caffeine develops, however, and the actions are much diminished in individuals who regularly consume tea or coffee. Doses of caffeine equivalent to the amount normally found in standard servings of tea, coffee and carbonated soft drinks appear to have no diuretic action.


Same thing. Alcohol has diuretic properties. Alcohol causes dehydration when it is consumed beyond the recommended levels.

What to do

what to do

Water allows you to keep functional properties of your body so drink water when you have a feeling of thirst. Drink water before a meal can help you to avoid overeating. If it works for you, continue.

  • Drink when you have a feeling of thirst

  • If your urine is a darker color than the normal color, drink more water. If your urine is a brighter color than the normal color, drink less water.

  • Stop stressing about your dehydration intellectually

Do you have other questions about water ?


2 thoughts on “Drinking Water But How Much”

  1. Such an informative post! I am one of those people who never craves water. I crave iced tea with lemon, coffee, tea & the occasional ginger ale, so I have to force myself to drink water! I’m glad my body recognizes other liquids as H2O as well!
    Dani // http://www.daniellealexandra.com

    1. I’m glad you drink more water, it’s cool. Your blog is great, I think my mother and my sister will like it. I wish you grow your audience, have a nice.

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