This part of what words to know in the fitness is more about diet and nutrition. If you didn’t read the first part, click here.
- A healthy body has a lot of energy and strength. This means that the body doesn’t have any dysfunction, damage, illness or pain.
- Something healthy can be emotional, mental or physical
A hormone is a chemical. Body fluids or blood carry it to organs and cells for a specific function.
Cholesterol is a material soft and waxy in body tissues. It’s an essential element to create cells and different hormones.
Food is a physical thing. The body absorbs it and uses nutrients to provide the energy and growth needed.
- A diet is the food and drinks food ingested by an individual.
- A diet is a certain plan for managing a person’s food and drink. This plan has a specific goal such as gaining/losing weight or others.
To nourish is the act of bringing food or other materials to help the body to be healthy and growing.
Nutrition is the mechanism to nourish the body. It’s helpful to be healthy by creating and changing tissues.
A nutrient is a material. An organism needs it to stay alive and grow.
A macronutrient is a nutritional component in a huge amount needed for a diet. It is usually composed of carbohydrates, fat, minerals (magnesium, zinc, etc) and protein.
A vitamin is a materiel. An organism needs it for cells can work and grow.
A mineral is a natural material without carbon from the earth. There are several such as zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc. The body needs minerals to create hormones, regulate the heartbeat, or produce bones. They are essential for many physiological functions.
Sugar is a carbohydrate in the sweet category. It comes from fruits, grains, plants, and other sources.
Glucose is sugar. It is available in nature and is an essential source of energy. Glucose composed of several carbohydrates
Blood Sugar
- Blood sugar is glucose in the blood
- Blood sugar is the accumulation of glucose in the blood. The method of measurement is in milligrams of glucose per 100 milliliters of blood.
Sucrose is a sugar. It is available in nature from plants, sugarcane or sugar beets. Sucrose is usually called table sugar.
Fructose is a sugar in the sweet category. It comes from fruits and honey. The liver turns fructose into glucose and puts it in the blood.
Galactose is a sugar. It comes from dairy products. Besides, it has the same process as fructose with the liver.
Lactose is a sugar. It comes from milk.
Glycogen is a carbohydrate. It comes from the liver and muscle tissue. It stores energy and transforms that energy into glucose for the needs of the body.
Simple Carbohydrate
A simple carbohydrate is a carbohydrate. It decomposes fast into glucose for the body’s needs. In the simple carbohydrate category, you can find sucrose fructose or lactose.
Complex Carbohydrate
A complex carbohydrate is a carbohydrate. It’s a simple carbohydrate chain. Not to mention the fact that it takes time to decompose into glucose.
In the complex carbohydrate category, you can find vegetables, whole grains or beans.
Starch is a complex carbohydrate. It comes from vegetables and fruits. This is also used in certain food to thicken them.
Fiber is a carbohydrate. It comes from foods such as grains, legumes, vegetables or fruits.
Insulin is a hormone. It comes from the pancreas and during eating, it released in the blood. Insulin helps fat tissue, organs, and muscle to store and use the food’s nutrients.
An index is a structure for organizing information. This allows to analyze it and compare it to different information.
Glycemic Index
The glycemic index (GI) is a numeric structure. It lists the rate at which the body turns food into glucose. This food classification is a scale from 0 to 100 based on the influence of food on blood glucose.
55 and under on the index is low. 56 to 69 on the index is medium. 70 and above on the index is high.
The fact than the liver transforms fast the simple carbohydrates, they have a high GI level. White potato has 82,.white rice has 89, white bread has 71, and sucrose has 65.
In contrast, the liver transforms slower the complex carbohydrate. That’s why they have a low IG level. Whole grain pasta has 42, peanuts have 7, black beans have 30, and apples have 39.
Fatty Acid
A fatty acid is an acid. It comes from fat or oil from plants and animals
Essential Fatty Acid
An essential fatty acid is an acid. It’s crucial for human beings because the body can’t create it. Foods provide it.
Saturated Fat
Saturated fat is fat. It can be solid at room temperature. It comes from plants and animals. Not to mention you can find it in palm kernel oil, cottonseed oil, coconut oil, lard, butter, cheese, cream, and meat.
Unsaturated Fat
Unsaturated fat is fat. It can be liquid at room temperature. It comes from plants and animals. You can find it in fish, oils vegetable, nuts, and avocado.
Trans Fatty Acid
Trans fatty acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. It’s available in nature and in an artificial way. You can find it in processed foods such as frozen dinners, ice cream, fast food, pastries, and cereals. Foods with “hydrogenated oil” have trans fatty acids.
One milligram is a metric unit of weight. 1000 milligram is one gram.
One milliliter is a metric unit of capacity. 1000 milliliters is one liter. One liter is about 4.2 cups.
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